It's with much love and joy I set to pen the things of my heart concerning all of us. Today in the world everyone is talking about dreams, vision and purpose. It's no longer about doing a good thing; but about doing the right thing, in the right season.
In January of 1997 God instructed me to move to California to begin to put in the heart of every believer to pray for the salvation of the inland Empire of California, and to teach my people to "Fall in Love with Jesus"... before making the final move I made three visits so that I could familiarize myself with the area and make some contacts with other pastors and look into the job market.
Shortly after arriving in June of 1997, God spoke to me again and said, "I want you to build one thousand churches, Micah 4:2". I said to the Lord, how will I be able to accomplish this task, and he said, "with your sons and daughters in the faith", I said, yes to the Lord, and immediately began to write the vision and make it plain upon the tables, that he may run that readeth it...
First, we believe it's God's desire for us to work together in HAWCC to win, save, and build souls for God's great kingdom. To teach the believer and the unsaved to "Fall in Love with Jesus Christ". He is the only way, the truth and the life. The organization wants to train and equip God's people to send them to the nations to spread God's Word. (St. Matt. 28:18-20) We seek to target and strengthen pastors and their churches in the area of evangelism, and to raise the spiritual aptitude of the believer to go and ful-fill their dreams, purpose and destiny, which is the desire of God's heart in this hour. Secondly, with the many years in the ministry we have found the following steps to be incredibly useful, thereby, allowing us to be very effective in fulfilling God's plan.